우리와 함께

엔토모의 인재상은 무엇입니까?
Type of talent
What is entomo’s ideal talent?

Innovative team

Building an innovative team starts with finding people who think differently.

Let's be together

We believe that more people will join us in the future.

mobile background

e n t o m o

우리는 미래와 곤충과 사람의 조합으로 

상호작용하며 일을 합니다.

이 구조는 일시적이고 우연적인 것이 아니라

오랫동안 형성되어온 것입니다.

엔토모 속에서 누군가와 함께 일하고 싶은지

정말 좋은 느낌을 받으셨습니까?

우리에겐 비젼이 있습니다.
Our vision
mobile background
We work and interact with the future as a combination of insects and people.
 This structure is not temporary and accidental; it has been in the making for a long time.
Do you have a really good feeling about who you want to work with in entomo?
We have a vision
our vision
Be creative.
There is no problem as long as you have curiosity and interest. Seniors take care of the rest.
Take the challenge. 
This is a company where you are likely to show your true self.

Make the most of your work time.
Manage your time with entomo. entomo will adapt to your personality and work style.

Trust your instincts!
No one has a perfect track record when it comes to recruiting. But you will get opportunities from top management.